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ATU Black Caucus NOLA Support Michelle Butler-Blue Foundation Toy Give-Away
The Michelle Butler-Blue Foundation
Toy Give Away
Michelle Butler-Blue Foundation, Shawon Bernard, President, Board Directors
Cookie's Angels is in honor of our special needs daughter who passed away due to covid complications June 16,2020 the day before her 36 Birthday.The motto of our nonprofit is "Showing Love The Cookie Way".
ATU Online Store
ATU International Black Caucus "STANDING TALL"
ATU International Black Caucus Family
Mr. DeCuir is a strong advocate for justice for the working-class citizens.
Mr. DeCuir is a long-time transit employee and the ATU Local 1546 President-Business Agent for the C.A.T.S. operators and mechanics in Baton Rouge, LA
Mr. DeCuir is well experience in labor union rights and organizing.
ATU Local 1546 organized some Charter Schools in Baton Rouge under the leadership of Mr. DeCuir.
Now, Mr. DeCuir along with ATU Local 1546 Executive Board and ATU International Vice-President Anthony Garland are in contract negotiations with C.A.T.S. of Baton Rouge, LA.
C.A.T.S. is NOT negotiating in good faith……please clink on link to see/hear Mr. DeCuir news interview
First Student and ATU Local 1546
Dispute in Driver's pay
ATU speaks up, stand up and show up for members.
Mr. Clyde Maiden Jr., ATU Local 1535 President-Business Agent
Mr. John A. Costa, ATU International President
Mr. Charlie Wilson, ATU Local 1535 Vice-President
ATU Local 1535 organized the New Orleans airport shuttle drivers into the ATU family.
Thank you to ATU Local 1535 President-Business Agent, Clyde Maiden Jr., Vice-President Charlie Wilson and Finance-Recording Secretary Jarvis Claborn
Mr. Charles Tornes Jr., ATU Local 1208 President- Business Agent of Jackson, MS, persevere on taking his members to the finish line.
JUSTICE PREVAIL in Jackson, MS for ATU members.
video: ATU Local 1208 on strike
ATU standing for DEMOCRACY
ATU Local 1208 President-Business Agent Charles Tornes, Jr.
ATU Local 1208 Executives and members went on strike. ATU Local 1535 Executive Board and ATU International Black Caucus support ATU Local 1208 on strike
ATU Local 1208, Jackson, MS went on strike for better safety conditions, wrongful termination, come to work sick or you will get discipline…..
video: results of the strike
ATU Locals Presidents “Standing Tall”
ATU Local 1208 Strike. Presidents from the ATU International Black Caucus from Louisiana came to support ATU Local 1208 members and STAND with President Tornes, Jr.
ATU Local 1546 President-Business Agent George DeCuir, Jr., Baton Rouge, LA
ATU Local 1208 President-Business Agent Charles Tornes, Jr. Jackson, MS
ATU Local 1535 President- Business Agent Clyde Maiden, Jr. Kenner, LA
ATU International President John A. Costa support ATU Local 1208 on strike
ATU Int. President came to stand with ATU Local 1208 President-Business Agent Charles Tornes, Jr. and the members of Local 1208.
ATU International BLACK CAUCUS Executive Committee
The E.C. shall hold at least one (1) meeting every six (6) months. The time and place shall be
designated by the E.C. All members of the E.C. shall be notified of any meeting at least sixty (60) days in advance.
The semi annual meeting may be held via computer access or telephone
conference call for those E.C. members who are not able to physically attend the meeting. Specific mod e to be determined by the E.C., or President. Complete instructions to be mailed thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date.
Section 3. Between membership meetings, it shall be the duty of the E.C. to make all decisions governing the operation of the B.C.
Section 4. It shall be the duty of the E.C. to develop the strategy, goals, objectives, and tactics of the B.C
Section 5. It shall be the duty of the E.C. to review the work of the B.C. to ensure that the goals and objectives are carried out, and to report same to the B.C.
Section 6. It shall be the duty of each Regional Representative to be the representative for its region, and foster the development of the Black Caucus within their region.
Section 7. Special meetings of the E.C. shall be at the call of the President or a majority of the E.C.
Section 8. A majority of the E.C. shall constitute a quorum to do business.
Section 9. The E.C. may establish committees as deemed necessary.
Section 10. Executive Committee members must remain in good standing throughout the length of their
Encourage, Enlighten, Empower African Americans for the Greater Good in the ATU
ATU Black Caucus is to actively pursue fair and equitable treatment, and to establish a positive and active rapport of Blacks and the diverse membership of our Locals at all levels of the Union.
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” —Barack Obama, First Black President of the United States
“It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” —James Baldwin
“Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise. I rise. I rise.” —Maya Angelou,
ATU International Black Caucus Southwest is part of the ATU International BLACK CAUCUS and The ATU International Black Caucus is in the ATU International family, all are one body striving for the same goals on our jobs from these agencies, companies and or corporations: safety, cost of living in our area, affordable/good health insurance, feasible retirement and good working conditions. We are Transportation Labor. We keep our country moving forward.
"R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me" Aretha Franklin